Exclusive: The 1996 Scream movie originally killed Randy off, only to have him resurrected through the very literal use of horror movie rules. The original Scream almost had Randy killed off, only to return through the use of horror movie rules. When the teen slasher...
Kevin Williamson, the writer behind much of the Scream franchise and EP of the upcoming film, explains why Randy had to die in Scream 2 Screenwriter Kevin Williamson has revealed details behind Randy’s death in Scream 2. Released in 1997, Scream 2 is the sequel to the...
[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for the previous Scream films.] Almost 25 years after his onscreen death in Scream 2, actor Jamie Kennedy revealed fans still approach him about his role as Randy in the first two films. While he expressed some...